263rd ACS National Meeting

ACS Meetings & Expositions are where chemistry professionals meet to share ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge. By attracting thousands of chemical professionals, the meetings provide excellent opportunities for …

International Conference on Photochemistry

The International Conference on Photochemistry remains one of the most important scientific events for the international photochemical community. It is held every two years in world renowned education and research …

International Symposium on Photochromism

The International Symposium on Photochemistry remains one of the most important scientific events for the international photochemical community. Over the years, participation in the Symposium has included a healthy number …

Ciamician Photochemistry School

The Ciamician Photochemistry School is an introductory course designed for graduate students, PhD students and researchers. The main topics of this meeting concern: VIIIth Edition – Bologna, Italy – 10th June 2019 to …

UK-IT Meeting on Photochemistry

The UK-Italian joint meeting on Photochemistry, organized by the Photophysics and Photochemistry Group of the RSC (PPG) and the Gruppo Italiano di Fotochimica (GIF) deals with the following topics and …

GRC / GRS Photochemistry

The Gordon Research Conference on Photochemistry brings together scientists who are interested in the interaction of light and matter from both the fundamental and applied perspectives. This conference serves as …

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